The MET: An Armenian Moment

The MET: An Armenian Moment

An Armenian Moment Originally published by the MET store blog. The “Armenia!” store offers unique gifts inspired by a vibrant culture—and by an unprecedented exhibition The exhibition store at “Armenia!” at The Met Fifth Avenue   “Armenia!” offers a...
The MET: An Armenian Moment

Arpi at the MET

As you may have heard, my products are now available to purchase in the gift shop of one of thee most prestigious museums in the world, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York! I am honored and beyond grateful, and can’t believe what’s happening next.....
Arpi on KISS FM

Arpi on KISS FM

Me on the very popular morning radio show in Los Angeles, “On Air with Ryan Seacrest on KIIS FM,” talking about my story and that it’s never too late to pursue your passions! ❤️