by Arpi Krikorian* | Feb 16, 2022 | Blog, My Process, Products
Color When I am designing the clothing of my characters, I don’t limit myself to any specific colors because my goal is to represent a modern version of our traditional garments. I have been criticized before for using the wrong shade of blue or using pink in general,...
by Arpi Krikorian* | Jan 25, 2022 | Blog, Plein Air
I have spent the last two Saturdays making art in “Plein Air” at a few of the most beautiful places Los Angeles County has to offer. I have enjoyed painting and illustrating alongside a group of art lovers as we do what we love to do most. These Plein Air...
by Arpi Krikorian* | Jan 18, 2022 | About Me, Blog, My Process
Growing My Team In 2021, I made the decision to grow my team in both business and personally. Having a support system that can help me manage my time, art, products, motivation, and peace of mind has granted me more success in my business and in my personal life than...
by Arpi Krikorian* | Jan 11, 2022 | Blog
In my previous blog post, A New Year to be enriched – A Blog Series: Part 1, I spoke about the many things planned for 2022 and all of the ways I am bringing more joy and focus on the important things such as my health and making more time for art! Here’s a...
by Arpi Krikorian* | Dec 17, 2021 | Blog
My 50th year around the sun has been one of transition for me and my art. Having spent the first 8 months in cancer treatment, kidney stone surgery and getting covid, followed by another surgery has put my life into perspective like never before. I realize what is...
by Arpi Krikorian* | Dec 7, 2021 | Blog, My Process
What does my painting process look like? In my personal work and exploration practice, I have fallen in love with intuitive painting. What that means is that there are no plans when you start. You just have to decide which art media you’d like to use...
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