I painted this piece in 2015 for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide.
Even though it is stylistically different than my usual art, it has remained one of my favorite pieces.
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This is the explanation of the painting:
By Arpi Krikorian
Painted February 26, 2015

This award winning multi media piece was created to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.
The painting depicts a sunrise after our trees, (symbolizing life form in Armenia) have been brutally destroyed. They resemble the hands of our generations past breaking through the ground in unrest. There are blackened, hollowed out pomegranates stacked in the foreground just like our ancestors skulls were stacked and displayed. The pomegranate symbolizes the fruitful Armenian who is always full of the abundant seeds of love, life, rich culture and joyful family relationships. The pomegranates on the floor are the shells of what was left behind after the Genocide, however through that “dead” stack, the bloodline still flows deep into a new thriving tree, which in the last 100 years has been sewing Armenian seeds globally. Our branches might have been cut down, our fruit might have been hollowed out, but our roots run so very deep.